Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bad control arm.

At some point, maybe even when I first got the car and had it towed, this bad boy got bent to hell. At this point, I'm probably going to try my hand at fabbing up some tubular control arms this way I get more travel out of my cut coils. We'll see. It isnt stopping me from driving it. It goes straight and feels nice.

Corvair Headlight Wiring (and direct +12v source)

First thing I did before tackling any re-wiring was to run a 12v direct to batter power source to the cab. I got myself some stereo amplifier and soldered on some lugs. One side is connected to the starter positive with a 200amp circuit breaker (cuz thats all I had on hand) and then it goes through the tunnel to this little distribution block right by the fuse panel.


So now that I have a direct power source in the cab, I need to relay my lights. I got this harness and relays off of ebay. Its from china, but its pretty decent. I wired it in, made a little bushing through the wall and got to my distribution block. Now I have switched halogen lights direct to battery. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jugtown Mountain Motor Club's Hot Rod Hustle 2016

It was a HOT one today. The ride up was great! The corvair did very well aside from second gear syncro sucking a whole bunch of ass. Jugtown Mountain Motor Club is always a great host.

These are just a few pics I snapped.
 This white car is my buddy Dan's He drove up with his family in it. Very Cool.

We were in love with this Ford below. Very cool car!

I Love Straight Eights.

 My friends Adam and Danielle rode with me. I was happy to have them.

Update: Someone took this sweet photo as we were leaving. I don't know who, but thank you!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Apple! Hear our Cries!

Ok. iOS 9.3.4 is here. They already stole "f.lux" a few releases ago, among other things. As a matter of fact, it seems as though ever since Steve Jobs passed, Apple relies on the jailbreak community to come up with new features for them. Jailbreaking is filled with really useful apps and tweaks. Some of it is crap, but most of it really makes the iPhone what it SHOULD be. The iPhone is a great device, as is the iPad, but some really basic (but important) things are left out. The first thing I install once jailbroken are the two programs of the 5. These make your dock, and icons 5 across. This HUGE feature makes so much more space on the springboard. Honestly, Apple should make it so the folders, icons, and dock are completely customize-able. What's the big deal here? Second thing I install is iCleaner, which does exactly what it sounds like, and it really works well. The rest of the apps are for emulation of games, and file browsers. Maybe these pose "security" concerns, so fine, I'll live without them, although maybe make emulated games available on the app store? I don't like the security risks posed by jailbreaks, but I'll do it just for the 5's. Seriously.